
Out of the zone | Provo, Utah

This week I was given a challenge which has been something I have always wanted to do but could never find the nerve to actually do it. The challenge was to walk around Provo or Orem and photograph a complete stranger, someone I have never met before. I absolutely loved it! I ran into this sweet girl who was willing to allow me to photograph her and told me a little about herself. Leaving my comfort zone has never felt so great! 

Makala Leigh |Portrait Photography

Man, can't Spring come any faster?! I cannot wait until Spring is here! The weather here in Utah has started to warm up and it has been beautiful. I was able to hang out with up and coming fashion blogger Makala Leigh and shoot some amazing pictures of her. The weather was nice and warm and the sun was out which made for beautiful photos, I can't wait to shoot some more with this pretty lady! keep an eye out for the launch of her new website!

Family |Portrait Photography

This past weekend was lots of fun and we had a full house. Some of my husbands family and my family came to visit and one special person who was here was his Great Uncle, Tom. Tom recently moved from Huntington Beach, California to Cedar City, Utah it will be great having him so close to us and as you can imagine it has been a big adjustment moving from sunny weather to several feet of snow.  

Family Pictures | Portrait photography

I always get a little worried when I book shoots in the winter when it's snowing and the person wants to shoot outside. Here in Utah it just gets so dang cold so we get red cheeks and noses, shivers and some people just feel miserable. However! this family is amazing and were such troopers.  By looking at them you would have never thought it was freezing cold outside.  I am also so happy we were able to get such a fantastic photo of them with their beloved dog, Miso, who shortly passed away after these family pictures were taken. I am sure these photos will be treasured.